AirPhysio Reviews

Anne Hales this is the best thing I’ve ever brought. I have copd with chest infection. I carnt breath. I use this and I can breath again. I’m so happy x

Bought this for my husband and it arrived last Thursday, he suffers from copd and has a fibrous lung. We cannot believe what a huge difference it has made in such a short space of time. Would highly recommend.

I bought mine in desperation nearly a year ago when I had a particularly bad flare up and was struggling to clear my chest. It’s amazing, it does what it says on the box and I wouldn’t be without it now.

Maudie Smith I have been using mine regularly and it does shift that mucus would buy this even if it was more expensive brilliant I have copd asthma on 3 inhalers but don’t need to use them so often since using this one... would very much recommend.

Jolene Hanlon Grainger me also. I found I don’t have to take my inhaler nearly as much. In fact I only take my morning and evening inhaler. During the day I use this. Beat buy ever. I don’t have shares with the company!!!!!

My Lung specialist, said many of his patients use this AirPhysio and said this works very well, so glad I bought it, to use this before bed, he said

Thank you air Physio !!! This tool gave me my mom great help in clearing her COPD lungs! So glad our daughter in-law helped her order one to loved it!

I have one On e and love It has been a Lifesaver I was spending $275.00 a month on masks and $81.00 on Nebulizer 7% a month and Now I have my Air Physio and Love it a Breathe Much Better Thank you